miércoles, junio 28, 2006

Oh Fernando, I´m so sorry...

Vieron? Menos mal que decidí otra suerte...
Miren lo que me hubiera cantado Dayna Kurtz
Aunque pensandolo bien... I could speak to myself in the same way...

He approached me like a prince,
Said he’s loved me all his life.
He said he knew that I’d come here,
He’s been waiting all these years,
And I’m meant to be his wife.

Oh Fernando, I’m so sorry.
Whatever could I say?
To a man I’ve never met
who’s the one who got away.

I cried to see his heart so plainly —
For he was such a formal man —
Handed to me like a daisy,
In the presence of my family,
From his damp and shaking hands.

Oh Fernando, I’m so sorry
For the love you saved for me,
But my heart is locked forever
In another lovely dream.

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